We drove home yesterday and just barely beat the next storm. My mom said they got about 8 inches last night!!!! It's weird to be back where the sun is shining and the grass is green. The Boy was so good, but he didn't sleep a wink the entire trip. About 10 minutes from home he passed out. So, Will carried him upstairs, I ran to the bathroom, we changed his diaper, said prayers and put him to bed. He woke up for a few minutes and smiled at his dad, but when I said, "Do you want to go to bed?" he shook his little head yes.
Hanging out at the Saloon with the horses.

Eating crackers on Uncle M's lap.

Just chillin'.

Jumping on the air mattress.

Hey, who took my pants?
Choke hold on Aunt K.
What you lookin' at?
All aboard!
With Grandma and Grandpa-Great
I love when your blog look changes with the seasons. It's gorgeous every time.
The word verification today:
Doesn't that sound like a weird English-Polynesian hybrid greeting/farewell?
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