Thursday, November 10, 2011

Insta Friday: November 11, 2011

We survived the Flu Plague of 2011.
Hopefully we won't see it again til 2013 :)

So we woke up Friday morning - after our 3am
flu party - vomit free, but to rain.
We still donned our festive clothes
and headed to Disneyland.

It's awesome to ride with The Girl - makes me feel good.

Guess who the flu hit at Disneyland?
Oh me.
I found sweet rest with Jose.

My parents spent their 33rd wedding anniversary
at Club 33, sans us.
At the exact moment they entered The Club,
it started to POUR!!!!!!!
We hung out in the Jack Store for about 15 minutes,
then pulled on our ponchos
and ran - or rather hobbled in pain -
to the Haunted Mansion.

After we hid under the Hungry Bear Restaurant.
My fabulous little sister took The Boy on rides,
while The Girl and I kicked on the covered dock.

Holding true to the pattern - after
6 hours of misery - I was fine for about 18 hours,
so I got to enjoy the rest of Disneyland Magic
pain and cold sweat free.

Even though sitting on the cold ground
was less than desirable,
the World of Color show was awesome
and worth the wait.

Another crazy thing about being at Disneyland that day?
We randomly ran into 3 families from our congregation
who were also there for the day.
And we all ended up at the Carousel at the same time.

Saturday we did soccer and The Boy
was so excited to have his Grandparents and his Aunt
there to cheer him on.

Later that evening we took them
to the Great Park for the only
ride that didn't terrify The Girl that weekend.
Weird, huh?
Little Mermaid characters, yes.
Floating 400 feet above the ground, no.

We love the FREE carousel!

Sunday our Nemesis The Flu lingered with me and
hit Will.
I only got dressed because I had to drive my
parents to LGB.
And by dressed, I mean I put yoga pants under
my night gown and a hoodie over to keep me warm.

Monday it seemed that all was well.
I even gave The Boy a haircut.

Tuesday I wanted a picture before school.
He was glad to oblige, until his Razor whacked him
in the ankle.

Will woke up feeling AWFUL, but hauled
himself into the office to get training started.
He was home 2 hours later and didn't leave
the room for almost 36 hours.

Of course I was hosting book club that night.
So amongst the cleaning and sanitizing,
I made this little cutie and decorated
for Thanksgiving.

I finished cutting them out The Boy's soccer party.
He loved his coach (so did we), the pizza and the trophy :)

Wednesday he came home with his Spirit Shirt.
He was so proud!

While the little sis was at dance class,
we played at the park.
We saw these fun looking birds,
the refused to let me get close enough to take a good picture.
We were bird detectives on
and figured out they are Whimbrels.
They summer in Alaska and can winter in California.

Friday I got to see Joy's Hope,
Rags to Stitches, Little Penelope Lane, Olive Blue,
Rock A Bow and lil noodle bug in person.
I love the OC handmade/creative community.

life rearranged


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