The OC Wives
Ok, true confession time - I watch Real Housewives of the OC. I'm fascinated with their extravagant life styles and it's like a real life soap opera. Plus, it takes place on my home turf, so that's another draw. Well, I saw yesterday that there is a new series starting called The Real Housewives of New York. I don't think I will like it as much. However, only time will tell. However, I do think that the OC wives are better looking than the NY wives. It must be the California sun;)

The NY Wives
Look what I got today!!! Our phone plan was up and so I got my new phone for the next two years. I'm so excited because it's the phone I wanted and it flips open to a full keyboard. Rockin'! The only downside to getting a new phone is that I lost all my pics and ringtones. Lame. Our RAZRs didn't have the SD card option, so there isn't a way to transfer them. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get some more!
I love kindergarten!!! you will do great! nice phone!
i am obsessed with the oc housewives. i love that show. they are so funny and it cracks me up that people think OC is really like that!! i totally agree that the NY housewives aren't as good looking. they seem older too. i guess us california girls are just hot mamas!! we can't help it!!!
Oh my goodness I had to comment for two reasons: (1) I totally love the OC housewives. I think Lauri is my fav...she isn't as nuts as the others. There nuttiness is quite entertaining. (2) I have that same phone! Orange and everything. I love it. (This is Lynne Whitaker, btw)
laurie's my favorite too. jeana's become a total jerk, vicki is a control freak weirdo that drinks too much, quinn seems nice, i need to watch more of her next season. i hope she comes back. tamra is crazy and thinks she's 21 years old, and tammy seems normal but she wasn't on this season as much so i don't really have an opionion of her. and jo is having a new show!! about her music career (whatever)but of course i'll totally watch it.
I'm going to do your survey. I liked reading yours!
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