We are back from Utah and excited to be back in our own beds! It was SO fun to visit with family and hang out, but it is always nice to return to your own bed after an 11 hour drive. We made the trip home in one day. We were on the road at exactly 4am and The Boy went back to sleep and slept until around 8am, when we hit St. George. We stopped for breakfast in Primm and then we didn't make any more "get out" stops until we got home. The Boy fell asleep not long after Primm and slept all the way until we pulled into the driveway. Yea! He was really ornery and sicky the day before we left, so I was SO worried that the drive home was going to be awful. He is getting a molar - well, finishing it off, it's been trying to come in since his 12 month appt - and so he had a fever, diarrhea, and a runny nose. He was so pleasant the day of our drive, I was very relieved. We got home around 2:30pm and I didn't do a thing the rest of the day. Lazy, huh? I was just so beat. Today hasn't been much better. I did go walking and we just did a Costco run, but there is so much to do around here I am overwhelmed. I need to put ALL the food back into the pantry, cupboards, fridge, and freezer, it's our laundry day and Will is hurting for clothes, The Boy has pulled all his toys and the DVDs out, and I have to unpack. I think I might die:) So, I'm just saying to myself "baby steps, baby steps". I'm going to start with the kitchen. I am giving myself 30 more minutes and then I going to tackle it for an hour and then take a break and re-evaluate. My friend Mandy called today and invited me to come up to Valencia to have lunch with her and our friend Laura. We all met at BYU and now we're all digiscrappers, so that is fun. I told her I just couldn't leave the house in its current state, but thanks anyway. It would've been fun, but then I would have it all to do tomorrow when Will is home and I just want to hang out with him and The Boy tomorrow.

I have been a posting fool while I was gone because I have lots to do for my CTs, so I hope you enjoy the new LOs. My brother and his wife are on a Disney cruise with my niece, so I can't wait to get their pictures, so I can scrap them. Oh! While we were at Costco today, we ran into my inlaws (small world) and The Boy just started flipping out. He wanted his grandpa to pick him up and though I knew it would end badly, I let him. Sure enough, when it was time to party ways, The Boy had a full on screaming fit because he had to go back into the cart and his grandpa walked away. He calmed down after a few minutes, but I'm sure the other Costco shoppers thought I was kidnapping him.

This weekend we are having an Easter egg hunt, I'll be going walking (and maybe aerobics), we're having family dinner, and I'm sure I'll still have housework to do. I hope all of your Easter sundays are fabulous! Send me pictures, you never know which ones I'll scrap!!!!

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hey girl... love the layouts! cute pics too! hey i commented on your comment on my page about new moon. go check it out.
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