Ok Friday night was weird - The Boy was totally sick! Will took him outside to play when he got home from work and he came in about 30 minutes later covered in puke! I guess after jumping on the trampoline and then playing on the jeep with his cousins, he just started barfing all over outside. When he started losing it, he wanted Will to hold him and wouldn't let him put him down, so Will got the brunt. Yuck! I was inside making dinner, so I missed the whole thing. Will got all changed and we stripped The Boy and try to give him toast and bananas to settle his tummy. He had been sitting on the tramp while his cousins jumped, so we thought it might be motion sickness. Well, he wouldn't touch the food, but gulped down a bunch of water. He gets down from his high chair, sits with Will and 10 minutes later barfs all over him again! So we throw The Boy in the bath and Will takes his clothes off so I can wash them. The Boy is so tired, he doesn't know what to do, so I get him ready for bed and lay him down. He's in there for about 35 minutes just tossing around and I'm in the bedroom digiscrapping - of course! Will comes in with the baby monitor and says, "Um, he just made some vomiting noises, can you go check on him? I'm worried he'll get all hyper if he sees me (which he will)." So I go in there an he's standing up. I have to turn the light on, because I can't see anything. And yep, he barfed again! He was laying down, up against the wall side of the crib, and it would have gone down behind the bed onto the carpet if it weren't for the bed skirt. So, I strip the bed and Will rocks him while I throw the bedding into the wash and put new sheets on. I came back upstairs and rocked him for 5 minutes and he was out! I didn't hear from him for the rest of the night, but I was nervous to go to bed in case he barfed again, so I was up until like 2am. ::moan::

He was much better on Saturday and we just stayed close to home and took it easy in the morning. He took a long morning nap and woke up just in time for the Easter Egg hunt with his cousins. I got some very cute pictures, which I will scrap this week sometime - hopefully! He didn't throw up at all on Saturday, but he wasn't really interested in eating until right before bed. So, we gave him a little sandwich and then put him to bed.

Today we went to church and since his grandparents were there, The Boy didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to be able to walk back and forth from our pew to their pew, but I wouldn't have it. So Will had to take him out before the Sacrament! I went out after the sacrament was over and took him to the Mother's Lounge so he could take a little nap. He got up at like 6am today, so I figured he was probably tired. I know I was! He slept for about an hour and woke up right before YWs. During class he made these terrible farting sounds and then it really stunk. So, I take him to the bathroom to change him and he has massive diarrhea! He's had it 3 or 4 more times today and I think it is finally slowing down. I'm still not sure if he caught the sickies from my inlaws or if this is just some random thing going on. I feel bad for him! I'm hoping we are done with it, but in the meantime, he is loving the pedialyte.

Tomorrow we are going walking, doing major housework, and picking up some LOs from Costco. Oh! So get this. I was supposed to pick them up on Friday. So I wait to go to Costco until after my pick-up time so I'm sure they'll be done. I get there and the lady that is helping me can't find them. She asks if I have my confirmation number - which they've never asked me for before, so no, I don't have it. She looks by my last name and then proceeds to tell me that they have no record of an order from me today, just from March 26th. I'm totally POed and she says, "Are you sure you selected Cypress?" I almost jumped over the counter and strangled her, but I just said I'd go home and check and I walked away. As I am walking away I see this envelope on top of one of the machines and I think, "Maybe that's mine." But I convince myself that if there is no record in their computer that something must have happened and so it won't be mine and I keep walking. I get home an hour later and check my emails and sure enough, it said I could pick them up after 12:22 at Cypress. So, flaming mad, I call the photo center to find out what is up. A very nice man answers, so I can't be rude. He looks it up and tells me he doesn't know why that lady couldn't find them, but they are there and my order is in the computer. What a lame-o, huh? I tell him I'm just glad that they are there and I'll be in to pick them up when I can. So, they better be there! 

This is the kit for Scraps for Charity - Click Picture to go to the site:)
P.S. I didn't even know my cousin was pregnant! I just got an email with the pictures of the new baby!
What's your secret for getting the little guy to actually drink the pedialyte?
Glad he's feeling better!
Lame about Costco. Which size did you decide to print? I'm almost done with 12x12s. Thank goodness!
Those are super Cute LO's!
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