So how much do I hate Urgent Care at my medical group - THIS MUCH!!!!!! Will was so sick yesterday he didn't go to work. Around 5pm it hit an all-time high on the pain factor scale, so I said he needed to go to urgent care and have them take a look at him. I've been to urgent care on several occasions. Once for myself, a couple of times for Will, and The Boy has been 2-3 times. I've always had to wait at least an hour and by the time you are out of there, it's about 2 hours. It stinks, but it's been worth it. This time, it wasn't! We were ther efor FOUR HOURS! I thought I was going to die. To top it off, I thought The Boy was getting over his stomach flu and we're sitting there after 2 hours and he poops out his pants! Poor bubba. He screamed through the entire diaper change and I didn't have extra clothes with me, so he had to run around like a white trash baby without any pants on. I know the people at the urgent care were like - "What kind of mother is she?" They ended up giving Will a shot to stop the vomiting and that's about all we got out of the visit. He was in agony the 4 hours we had to sit there and he could have done that at home. The doctor gave us no conclusive diagnosis and sent his blood for tests, which he'll get back on Wednesday and by that time he'll be over it. I guess it might have been worth it to Will to stop the vomiting. It wasn't like it was a weekend. We could have called this morning and made him an appointment to see our GP, but we didn't. We sat at Urgent Care for 4 hours. About 3 hours into it, Will says, "I guess you could have dropped me off and taken The Boy home." Now there was a thought! If only we had thought of it 3 hours ago:) We're so crazy!!!!!
The Boy is doing better today. He's only had one blow out diaper - as opposed to one every hour:) He wants to eat, but I'm still only giving him BRAT food to solidify his stools. You wanted to know that, huh? He played outside today and my nephews told me that my middle nephew was throwing up all last night. It must have skipped me because I'm feeling fine. I told Will I was hoping to catch it so I could lose 5 lbs and kick start my weight loss again. He told me to stop wishing for stupid things. Wahahaha! I have a bridal shower to go tonight and I need to get my stuff in order for the Stake YW choir - of which I am the director. Scary!
Oh no! Sorry your hubby was sick. (I just can't call him "Will"...he doesn't look like one!) :) Those shots are the best. Maggie had to have one last year when she was struck with the rotovirus. Don't come near me - I've got a big trip tomorrow! :)
Oh gosh sounds like you have been going through it. I understand why you would want to be sick....I would want it for the same reasons....lol....well not the sickness just the loss.
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