I can't believe that is how long it has been since I last posted. I know you're all going through withdrawl. Well, we are here in Utah at my parents' house and having a lot of fun. Will is at home working away and we miss him. When I ask The Boy if he wants to talk to his daddy on the phone he starts looking all around trying to find him. So, when we get back on Thursday I know it is going to be a sweet reunion for both of them.

I rode up here with my inlaws and we took two days to get here, but we'll only take one day to get back. I think The Boy did really well for a long road trip and being almost 16 months old. As long as he has his Little Einsteins to watch, he's just great. This time he even watched two full length movies - "Piglet's BIG Movie" and "Monsters Inc" - and he watched the entire thing without getting restless and wanting me to put Little Einsteins back in. Yea! That meant we didn't have to watch it over and over and over . . . . like on trips past! We spent the weekend up in Provo and watched General Conference with my sister and her family. We stayed at the Provo Marriott and The Boy got in some swimming with his aunts, uncle, grandpa, and cousin. He loves to splash! I got some good pictures of him being thrown by his grandpa and uncle, so I will post those sometime or maybe I'll do a fun layout with them. We also had a birthday party for my little sis. She is 9 years old! Can you believe that? I can't!

We came back to my parents' house on Sunday night and The Boy had to watch a movie on my laptop:) He's so spoiled. Yesterday we took him to the park and I took a few pictures, but nothing too spectacular. Today we are going to lunch with my mom's friend and my sis and her posse are coming down this evening, so it should be a fun day! I'm posting my newest LOs that I've been trying to get done while I've been here. I was going insane while we were in Provo because the hotel didn't have free internet, so I only had internet when we were at my sister's house. However, I think I'll survive!
Love that park day layout! It's rockin! AND - those stitches on the July Alpha Tags are cool! Good job - you are getting to be so good at this! You put me to shame. :) Are you going to do to the digidare?!
You scrapping fool!!! they look great. Is it ture that you have only done this digi thing for a short while?
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