Ha! I fixed all my digiscrap blinkies that if you click them, it takes you to the website. This way I don't have to have two separate lists. I think I need to make a blinkie for myself and I have tutorial, so you might see one from me very soon. I am also thinking I might want to change up the blog design, but I think I will wait a few months for that. I updated The Boy's list of words and signs. I am still amazed at how he is adding stuff each day. WOW! We went walking this morning with my friend and it is park day, but he's still sleeping and I just can't get my butt in gear to get us ready to go. I REALLY need to take a shower, but I think that is what is holding me back because I don't want too:) I love the shower part, it's the getting ready after the shower that I don't like. I'm a high maintenance gal when it comes to hair and makeup. I like to have my hair done and makeup on before I leave the house (unless I'm go to exercise), but sometimes I just don't want to put in the effort. LAZY!
I have such exciting news!!! Well, I didn't know that one of my girlfriends that lives on the East Coast was keeping in touch with our bestest guy friend from freshman year. So, yesterday I get an email from him to all of us A. Richards girls and adoptees saying hello. I almost died! So I emailed him back and it's so nice to be back in touch. I titled my email with a little inside joke from our freshman year and he totally remembered. It made me happy! I love keeping in touch with people. I have two good friends from high school that I still keep in touch with. I totally keep tabs on all my girlies from BYU and now I've found T-bird!!!! That's what we'll call him on the blog. T-bird, if you're reading, don't you feel special:) I don't use real names because I don't want to give you any unnecessary stalkers.
I am posting a few cutie pictures of my little guy. They are of him using a fork for the first time to eat mac and cheese. I love that little bug! He has so many nicknames and I know when he's about 12 years old he's gonna be like - "Mom! Stop!" I hope he still likes me when he's that age. He probably won't, but I can still dream.
Oh! I stayed up until midnight to finish Twilight and it was so AWESOME! I want to start reading New Moon immediately, but I have book club next week and I have to finish The Namesake before I can even think about it. Have a great day!
Love the pics, love the blinkies, tell me how to make them clickable, can't wait to read Twilight, my laptop is dying, do you remember Krister from BYU? HA! Just wondering what that loser is up to these days. :)
I love those books - Twilight and New Moon! They are AWESOME! I read them while I was on bedrest with Emma and I could not put them down. My poor hubby felt so rejected and over a book too! we'll have to have a book discussion when you are done with the 2nd one!!!
I got left out! What did T-bird have to say? Cute pictures of your little man. He's so big! Hope you're enjoying your warm weather. I'm feeling a wee bit jealous.
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