So, I've been debating about whether or not to move The Boy from 2 naps a day to 1 nap - decisions, decisions! On Sunday he took only one nap, Monday he took only one nap and so I decided let's just try it today too. He barley made it to 11:30 and then passed out from shear exhaustion. On Sunday he went to sleep about the same time and slept for 2 1/2 hours, but today it was only a little over an hour. Poo! I knew he couldn't last the rest of the day on that. And sure enough, around 4pm he started going downhill. So, I did my best to keep him pacified until around 7pm, when he could take bath and go to sleep. Well, Will calls around 6pm to say he's coming home and he'll order pizza, yea! I had just thrown some chicken in the oven, so I pulled it out and we waited patiently for daddy to come home. We were sitting in the recliner and The Boy is getting all excited because he can hear the keys in the door and he knows what that means - DADDY! I say, 'who's that?' and he says "dad!". When Will walks through the door, The Boy sees the pizza boxes and exclaims, "Pizza!" Can you believe that? He's a pizza lover just like he daddy. He also loves the cheese the best, just like his daddy. There's no hope:) However, he did eat MY mushroom pizza tonight and loved the shrooms.
Good news! Look what I got today:
I'm on another Creative Team! This one is really cool because the proceeds that come from the designers sales go to a different charity each month. She asked some line up for the next couple of months, but then she wants us to give her ideas. So, if you have any that are near and dear to your heart, let me know and I can submit it. Cool, huh? My friend Mandy is on the team too, so it will be cool to create with the same stuff.
I was keeping track today and The Boy used like 5 new words. He told me his water was "all gone", "pizza!", "handsome" (that's what his daddy calls him), and "roll". I wrote them all down on a pad of paper and I will update his lists tomorrow. I've been finding that he uses words or signs and I can't remember what they are when I go to blog. So, I've been keeping a running list so that I can add them. Good night! I am off to read Twilight!!!!! Yea!
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