Happy Sunday! Did you all survive DST? Yuck! We didn't do so well at our house. We were all up way too late last night because when Will got home from work we went out to dinner together and it was awesome. Yummy mexican food from Don Jose's! When we got home we needed to burn the BYU game onto a DVD for Will's coworker, but it just wasn't going very smoothly. Finally we put The Boy to bed at 9:30!!!! Poor bubba! However, he had taken a late nap because he refused to take an afternoon nap, but I didn't give in. I think he is getting closer and closer to one nap a day.

So, after we got The Boy to bed, we figured out the DVD thing and headed over to Will's friend's house to give him the game. He gave us some strawberries! How nice! We stopped at the store to pick up some groceries for the week and came home. I didn't go right to bed because I was trying to finish the chapter in the book I was reading. This morning, The Boy woke up right on time, but I felt awful! So Will got him and he laid in bed with us for a little while. It was 8am before we got out of bed and church is at 9am. We didn't make it. However, Will had to go audit one of the other wards and I had to give the value thought. So he went over to the other building and The Boy and I just went to YWs. I still felt awful so we came home after I was done. Will was back from the audit and just came home to change because he had to go into the client today with the rest of the team. He'll probably be gone until at 7pm. Yuck! The Boy didn't take a morning nap because we needed to go to YWs, so I gave him an early lunch and put him down when Will left. He passed out in like 5 minutes and slept for almost 2 1/2 hours. Yea! That's another reason I'm thinking he's ready for one nap a day. We'll see how this week goes.

I did a LO of my current hairdo for a scrap challenge at Elemental Scraps. I really like my hair right now, so I wanted to preserve the memory of it. My friend over at Ladybugs and Cheerios got her haircut this week too and the cuts are similar. It's kind of freaky because we got almost the same things from our parents for Christmas. We've got some cosmic connection going on! The other is a LO of BabyD I did using the Zen kit. They are all pictures of her being very Zen on her first trip to Disneyland. The Boy has discovered the joy of stacking cups and is having fun putting them together and taking them apart. They've been a bath toy since Christmas because he uses them to fill with water and dump out all over. Now he likes stacking them and putting them together in size order. It's pretty cool!
Sorry to hear about the transotion to DST. TO avoid the whole thing next time you can come live in a Arizona. Oh so nice not to change times.
I love all your layouts! You'll have to give me some tips on how to do it all. I am such a newbie at the whole digi-scrap, but I've got an interest, so that's kind of a start!
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