That's what Dr. D called The Boy today at his 15 month well-baby appointment. Ha! I guess he has the vocabulary of a 2 year old! She says to me, "Now you know he shouldn't be doing any of this stuff he's doing?" It made me laugh. Everyone always thinks their kid is the smartest most wonderful, but it's nice to have an unbiased person tell you too:) Grandmas and Grandpas don't count. She told me I might get lucky and have an easy going scary smart child, but she said most of them are controlling, opinionated, and manipulative. Great! She said the two biggest things they try to control is eating and potty training. So, I shouldn't get in food battles with him (no problem there right now, the kid will eat anything) and he could wait until he's 5 to potty train just because he wants too. My sister's nephew is a lot like this. I think he was like 3 years old and he's UBER smart, but he wouldn't potty train. Well, he loves Thomas the Train, so they told him if he potty on the toilet that Thomas would call him. He looked at them and said, "Thomas is not real and he will not call me on the phone." So, I have that to look forward to. Ha! He's 27 lbs 1 oz and 32 1/2 inches long. He gained 2 lbs and grew 2 inches! They were both in about the 80th percentile. He's slowed down on his weight gain, but that's understandable since he doesn't sit still at all since he got walking thing down. He just amazes me and I think he's pretty terrific!
Oh! For all of you digiscrappers out there, they are having a sale at Elemental Scraps this weekend. There are some great designers out there - like JooJooBee! So come and check it out:

Tomorrow we are going walking with my friends and I need to go to Costco. This weekend Will and I are supposed to go to lunch and a movie, but his work situation is still unknown. If that doesn't happen, then I will go to the RS luncheon. Did I tell you that The Boy had a play date on Monday with a little boy from our ward? They mostly just played next to one another, but it was fun to watch them try to interact. Ta-ta!
I'm so sad that I spent my March digi budget already! :(
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