Awesome news! Mi esposo got chosen to go to Provo to recruit a new guy. I am so excited because I get to go too!!!!! We leave on Wednesday afternoon and I come back on the 20th. Sweet! It's right before Thanksgiving, so I need to find out what I am making for Thanksgiving dinner so I can buy all the supplies this week. At the beginning of next week my Aunt will be here and we are going to Disneyland, so I know I won't get to go shopping then because we'll be having too much fun with Corinne!
I got instructions on how to post a video, so I will make one for tomorrow. The Boy is sleeping right now, so the video I took wouldn't be very exciting. I did want to post a picture of my new pouch sling - which I love - but I don't have one of me using it yet. He likes it a lot more than the mei tai, which I would also like to get. I tried wearing the mei tai to Disneyland last week on Halloween and he cried because it didn't want to be strapped to me so he couldn't see. I did put him on my hip with it, so it wasn't so confining and he liked that. However, it's so much easier to get him in and out of the pouch sling. I want to make pouches and mei tais for friends, so we're working on a pattern for them. Cool, huh?

This is the fabric for my pouch sling.
*ahem* I bet I know where you got your sling! :)
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