Well, I promised you a video, so here it is! This is The Boy's newest accomplishment. He has been trying for a couple of weeks to get to the candy basket and today he figured it out. The whole thing actually takes place in two videos, so you need to watch both to see the whole thing unfold.
Yesterday we did go to Costco and get all the laundry washed. However, I still have not gotten the laundry folded. I didn't feel well today and so we didn't go to the park. I did take him out to the park for about a half hour so that we could get out and about and not go crazy. We also stopped at Target just to look around. I think it was the first time I've been to Target and not bought something! We had mutual tonight and stayed for about an hour and a half and then headed home. The Priests and Laurels had a Stake activity tonight, so I didn't have to be in charge and that was good because I felt not so great.
Tomorrow the milk bank lady cancelled, so we have the Joann's sale and the baby shower. I need to finish up the game and pick up the paper products for the shower. Fun, fun! Enjoy the videos!
Can't wait to hear about the goodies you picked up at J's!!
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