Today I think we will do pretty much nothing. The Boy and I need to recoop from this weekend's excitement. Our laundry day isn't until tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about that. I will straighten up the living room because I have a presidency meeting here tomorrow night and I'd like to get a jump on it. This week is going to prove to be a busy one. This is our schedule for the week:
Monday - A whole lot of nothing. I like that:)
Tuesday - Aerobics, laundry, presidency meeting
Wednesday - Disneyland, mutual, prep for baby shower
Thursday - Aerobics, Joann's sale (thanks Mandy), home appointment with milk bank, baby shower
Friday - laundry and probably grocery shopping
Saturday - tryouts for the Stake musical and pick up my Aunt from the airport
Sunday - church, hang out with Aunt, and Stake Youth Fireside
I know you were all very interested in that. Ha! My friend has figured out how to put video clips on her blog, so I am hoping to learn how soon. She also posted a new recipe for the crock pot, so now I have two recipes to try out. I never did get around to the macaroni last week, it was too crazy. Oh! We did an awesome thing last night with my brother-in-law, sister, and niece. We did a video webcam using our video cameras. It was so awesome! The babies got to watch eachother and put on their best tricks. If you have loved ones far away, you need to try it. You need a computer, a camcorder with capabilities to hook to your computer, and an MSN Live account. It rocks! A microphone for the computer makes it a little more interesting too.

Enough blathering for one day! Enjoy your week!
P.S. Mandy, why does Melinda's hair look perfect when she wakes up from a sleepless night of sleeping in the woods in a tent? Please!
Not too sure about Melinda's hair after a sleepless night, but I'd kill to have that look after working on it for an hour!! :) Those pictures sure are cute of JT and your family. He looks so sad to have your parents leave him!
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