We've had tons of fun while the fam has been here. We went to Disneyland on Thursday and Friday and The Boy did great both days. I let him take his morning nap both days and then we headed over to the park and stayed there way past his bedtime, but he had a blast, so what can you do? I enjoyed having the family here when we went to Disneyland because it meant that I got to go on some rides that I haven't been on since he was born. I went on The Hollywood Tower of Terror, Grizzly Run, and Splash Mountain, just to name a few. We really got "hosed" on Grizzly Run and it was such a joke because my mom and I spent an hour or so getting ready and that was the first ride we went on when we got to the park on Friday. So, we were looking stylin' the rest of the day.

Today we just took it easy. We went to church and had a family dinner. I made
Fajita Beef Soup and the men have been playing video games all day long. The Boy is back on his nap schedule and life is returning to the same ol', same 'ol. He is going to be a very sad boy tomorrow when he wakes up from his nap and all his friends are gone. The good thing is that we'll be going to see them in about 48 days! Yea! That means that Christmas is going to be here soon! Tomorrow I must clean up the fallout of having 7 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment. However, my mom has helped me to stay on top of it, so I shouldn't have very much to do at all. I also need to get in a good run - I haven't had once since the party started. I am throwing a baby shower with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law this week for my other sister-in-law, so that should make the week exciting. Until I blog again . . .
Sounds like you had a blast! Are we still on for Wednesday? Hey, check my blog tomorrow for a new YUMMY crock pot recipe. ;)
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