Well, this weekend was a whirlwind of fun. I started my weekend on Friday night by going to the Newport Beach Temple with 4 Beehives and my first counselor in YWs so that they could do baptisms. They had my little newbies do 40-50 baptisms each! They were so waterlogged, but I think they enjoyed it very much. That night I slept horribly. I woke up 4 or 5 times and I don't know why! It might have been the anticipation of going to the CUW Boutique that next morning, but I'm not sure.
I woke up Saturday morning at 6:15 and got all ready for the boutique and The Boy woke up right around 6:45, which was perfect because I needed to feed him before I left. So he spent the morning with his daddy and I went to the boutique with my 2 sister-in-laws and my MIL. It was awesome! I found about $400 worth of stuff that I wanted to buy, but I ended up only buying an 1/8 of it. My one goal was to find a secret present for my nieces, but the lady did them different and I didn't like them as much as her originals. So I am supposed to call her and she'll custom make them for me. Yea! And for those of you that are interested, the next one is March 3rd at the Disneyland hotel and hopefully my MIL and I will be selling our wares!
After we got back from the boutique we took The Boy to the pumpkin patch. It was so awesome! It was a little hot, but we had so much fun looking for our family pumpkin. He thought it was pretty awesome and he liked when the tractor drove by. We wanted to go to the petting zoo, but it was too hot for our liking, so we went home:) We're sissies, we know. We all had fun and so we said we'll come back next year and try the other stuff.
That night we left The Boy for the first time with babysitters at our house. We went to the Adult Session of Stake Conference and since he is really vocal right now we decided it would be a good idea to leave him at home. We think he was good. Our sitters said he was and they wouldn't take any money, so it must have gone pretty well.
Sunday we had Stake Conference and family dinner. We were in charge and we made navajo tacos - yummy! I love them! The big news of the day is that The Boy has totally learned how to crawl on his hands and knees!!!!! I am so totally excited and I know that by the time my parents get here next week he will be a crawling machine. I also started sewing his costume and it is SO cute! I can't wait for him to wear it to the Stake Youth Halloween Dance on Wednesdays. The girls are going to love it.
Well, I have given a lot of info this Monday morning. He's down for his nap right now and I've gotten the dishes done and the groceries from Saturday night put away. Phew! Today I need to finish up the costume so that I can go to Disneyland. I also need to clean up the flour mess in the kitchen from the dough fiasco yesterday:) It's almost clean, but the rest requires a vacuum, which will have to wait until he is awake. I also need to run on the treadmill and keep up my momentum from last week. Adios!
P.S. He pulled himself up on the couch today ro reach the computer. YEA!!!!!
Yay for the crawling machine!!! Love the patch pics. Maggie has been talking non-stop about going to "Dizzy-land" with JT! Good luck sewing the costume...I'm starting to stress out over finishing Ryleigh's dress in time, so I am right there with you!
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