Yea! We got a high chair and I am so thrilled. We fed him for the longest time in his Bumbo, but he outgrew that about 3 months ago. Then, he is such a food lover and he wasn't mobile, so up until a few weeks ago he would just sit there and eat like a good little boy. Then he started spinning himself in circles while he ate so I had to slip food in really quickly as his mouth passed me on the way around. Last week he figured out he could get places and reach things by going onto his hands and knees. This made each mealtime a battle and I was getting really frustrated, so yesterday we went and got a high chair. It was so great last night because while I was making dinner I gave him some frozen peas to feed himself and he loved it! It was the first time I've given him frozen peas, but he ate them like popcorn. It was so cute! Mi esposo added in some veggie puffs and he liked that too. After I had the burritos ready to go I gave him a few pieces of chicken, which he eagerly ate. He really likes this feeding himself thing and so does his mommy!

Yesterday we went to aerobics and we had a good time. My instructor's mom - who is also in YWs with me - was there and she entertained the little guy. Thank you Sister C!!!! Today we've got park day. We missed it last week because I was getting ready for YW in Excellence, so I am looking forward to it today. Tomorrow we are going to head to Disneyland. I am going to take a friend's advice and get a sourdough starter. Since it has started to become somewhat fall-like here in the OC I've been craving soup bowls!
This kid's really moving up in the world. King of the kitchen.
Girl, the Boudin Bakery didn't sell starters - that I could see. Bummer! But I made my own...it's super easy and LOTS cheaper...it just takes some time.
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