Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Hello? Is this thing on?

So JJ totally gave me a hard time for not updating
this awesome blog of ours for a long time.
I'm still here and very much part of the blogging community.
I've said before that you can always check us out over at Funky PolkaDot Giraffe -
my pride and joy and where most of my blogging energy goes.

But I also realized that you might want to follow in Instagram too.
My sister said, "I didn't realize that you had a whole other life I was missing out on."
She doesn't have a smartphone and doesn't do the Instagram thing,
but I can totally share the pictures here on a weekly basis.

I will try to remember to come and post so you can catch the slideshow
and find out all about our life as the un-rich and un-famous - not to be confused with infamous.
 I hope all my friends are doing well and hopefully I can get it together and post here more.
However, I was just called as the Primary President, so that might not happen . . .

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Thursday, November 29, 2012

We're Still Alive! Happy Halloween 2012

I know I am totally failing at keeping you up to date over here
on this little blog of mine - and I apologize!
But I am really great at updating Funky PolkaDot Giraffe and Instagram 
if you are just dying to see my crazy kids and their antics :)
But for now I'm wishing you a Happy Halloween -
even though is almost December - 
and I hope you are enjoying your holiday season!

Plus I had to show off my Frank and Merida!

Frank takes himself very seriously.

Hide yo' children! He's coming!

My rad friend Heidi painted his face all legit.

Merida is serious about her archery skills.

I'm serious about her darling little face.

Costume details:

Head/Hands - Pottery Barn Teen
Jacket and Pants - Thrifted
Boot Covers - ME!

Dress - McCall 5499 with alterations by ME!
Wig - ME!
Bow/Arrows/Quiver - Target with alterations by ME!


This linky list is now closed.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Win Mickey's Halloween Party Tickets

The Mommy Files is giving away 2 tickets
to Mickey's Halloween Party.
But don't because I want to win :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Farewell to Summer {2012}

 We almost did everything on our Summer Bucket List,
and I have declared it a successful summer :)

We squeezed in one last twilight swim and BBQ with friends.
 And I made delicious treats.

We made a trip to the Happiest Hour on Earth 
after one last trip to the water park.
The Boy attended his first Garden Party and rocked
his style Fedorable.

 I got to check one last item off the bucket list
and it was a delicious choice.

I'm still doing fun hair and now we're using the Knot Genie
to nip those tangles in the bud.

We made a trip to Pretend City to get a sneak peek of
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
 I do not approve of the current (never ending) heat wave.

And I chaperoned a youth dance.
I feel old.

Little Miss rocked some messy buns.

I forgot to record the new season!!!
Luckily there was an encore presentation :)

And The Girl rocked a different version of messy buns for church.

I got in the spirit of Back to School!

Labor Day brought diagonal pull-throughs, a BBQ and swim party
with the A-team (including my MIL&FIL!!!!) and a nap.
 We had amazing shaved ice at Sno2Go.
 We got our soccer uniforms and declared ourselves
the Dynamite Dragons.

While The Girl declared herself Pinkalicious.

We had our first Back to School Feast - complete with fancy crowns :)

And The Girl had a fabulous french twist.

My baby boy started First Grade.
 So I consoled myself with brunch with the REAL
Real Housewives of the OC posse :)

The Girl sported another version of messy buns.

And we closed out the summer - or opened the Fall - 
with water games with the youth.

I schmoozed the office staff with some snickerdoodle bread.

 And we got to preview Finding Nemo 3D with our friends
at the Disney Studios in Burbank.

I made some delicious Passion Fruit Tea Lemonade.
It's totally divine.
The Boy  had his first soccer game of the new season and
 I think the Mexican food the night before did me in,
and Saturday I was feeling terrible.
Curse you, diverticulitis!
My darling Will took the kids to the park and Boomers
so I could rest and let the voodoo oil work its magic.
 I'm so glad that my mother-in-law is back!!!
And that she served a mission in the fruit mecca of the 
Pacific Northwest :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Insta Friday: August 17, 2012

Saturday The Girl was in a photo shoot for my
friend Tracy's jewelry line - Creme de la Gems
with several other darling girls.

On the way home I saw this sweet Chopper.
Be. Still. My. Heart.

That afternoon we went to the neighborhood BBQ. 

And I gave the platypuses some rad button eyes.

Sunday I gave myself a mani and we had our friend RW
over for dinner since he was in town for business.

Monday brought a diagonal pull throughs for swim lessons.

And that evening I went to an early screening for THIS
fantastic movie.

I highly recommend it.
Take some kleenex.
And if you are or have experienced infertility
or it's close to your
heart, you may want to wait to see it in the privacy of your
own home.

Tuesday brought french pull throughs for swim lessons.

And a trip to the water park with lots of fantastic friends.

And a trip to this place with extra friends so their mama
could get some rest.

And I finished one book and started another.

Wednesday I got physical with the Seniors while the kids 
had their swimming lessons.
It was a lot of fun and it requires that the kids sit
and entertain themselves for about 30 minutes after their
lessons are done.
They did a fabulous job and all the Seniors kept complimenting
me on what great kids that I have.

That night I made this deliciousness for a twilight swim with the Young Women.
The recipe will be coming soon!

The kids loved warming themselves by the fire after the swim.

Thursday brought an improvised hair style that I'm
calling "Puppy Ears" :)

And a first time (and only time) trip down Big Blue for one.

And a million + 1 trips down Big Blue for the other.

Friday brought messy outdoor fun and then a shower
in the hose to clean up said fun.

life rearranged
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