Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I just want to give a shout out to the fabulous fathers in our lives. We (The Boy & I) are so blessed to have awesome men as examples. My dad rocks and I was lucky to grow up with a man that honored his priesthood, worked hard, and taught me to work and live the gospel. He also brought me up with traditions that I cherish to this day - trips to Enterprise to cut down our Christmas tree, Disneyland, GOBS, date night (which usually involved perusing the electronics at Sam's Club), nachos for Conference, egg hunts at the Easter Egg park, lights at Christmas, and many more. He also loved and honored my mom and that means a lot.

I went with some Old School pics of my dad, because I think they are awesome.
This is my dad in high school. (He's the one kissing the monster)

Will's dad was the same way - because Will is that way. Being able to live so close to Will's dad was such a blessing in our lives. The Boy sure misses his Grandpa A, but he knows that he is on a mission and that is another great example for him.

Then, Will, we love him! He rocks and he is The Boy's buddy and my best friend. Thanks for all you do for our family. We really appreciate you.


Laura said...

Kyla I so love all the old photos

dancin' momma said...

I love old pics of him! You should have posted the one of him in his awesome bright pink shorts! :)l

Brooke said...

Your dad was a good looking lad! and i think you totally look like him.

Kikal said...

Why have I never seen those pictures before!! They're awesome! We have a great dad.

Vivian said...

I love those photos. My favorite is of Grandpa A, The Boy, and Happy. I never realized you took that picture during our hike.

Cindy said...

Happy Father's day to your husband and dad.

Love the pics!!

You made me feel very special having my blog link on your blog!!

Jaime said...

Your dad was a hottie!

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