But most of you knew that already:) So, I'm trying to come to terms with the horrendous gas prices these days and so in an effort to save my gas, I've decided to try and ride my bike more. So, in the mornings when I meet my friends to walk, instead of driving my car the .75 mile one way, I started riding my bike. I used to walk, but it meant getting up earlier (and 5:25 is already early) and it used to be really dark and it freaked me out. Now it's light and riding my bike is cool. Well, that doesn't sound so crazy, plus I'm getting an extra 1.5 miles of exercise. Nice. 

The crazy part came later today when I had a playdate to go to the lagoon with my friend so our kids could play and we could lounge in the water and bask in the sun. I decided to ride my bike. I'm saving gas, so it's a good thing, right? Right. I just keep telling myself that. I get everything loaded into the jogger/trailer and we're off. The ride there was pretty good. I just get nervous about riding on the road with the trailer behind me. So, I'm illegal a little bit and ride on the sidewalk when I can. It turned crazy when it was time to go home. It's like 85 degrees, we're zapped from playing in the sun, and my feet are aching from the walk back from the Lagoon because I'm a dork and wore flip flops. Then, The Boy has totally passed out. Luckily, I had already changed him out of his wet clothes. So I'm trying to hook my bike back up to the trailer, with a 36 lb child in it, and I'm sweating to death. LOL Then, I have to get his helmet on him, but he let me do it and he didn't even wake up. He slept all the way home, out of the helmet, out of the shoes, up the stairs and into his bed. What a champ! So, I got in an extra 3.15 miles (yes, I have a GPS watch that I LOVE!) of exercise in. So, I'm crazy, but maybe by the end of the summer it will pay off.
I also started swimming (well I've been once) on T/Th when I don't walk and so The Boy discovered my goggles. He thinks they are so cool and he even wore them for about 15 minutes. If he looks that hilarious, I can't even imagine how freaky I look when I've got them on.
should you be doing those things in your "condition"?
Are you crazy or something?!? NO MORE!!!
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