Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snazzy New Church Duds

For Christmas Auntie M made
the kids matching church clothes.
I thought they looked so cute!
I had to throw this picture in
because his shoe/sock combo is awesome.

Look at this face!Sweet Shot Day
Auntie M even made a matching hair accessory!
And The Girl loved that it lent itself to "Cinderella Hair".


Jaime said...

So fun! Great fabric, and fun smiles. :)

Cory said...

Ummm.... Auntie M needs to hook it up with cousin C

So adorable!

BubbaandM said...

They look so adorable in their outfits. So glad they like them! Thanks for the post. :)

Kikal said...

Her hair is beautiful I love it, and that dress is

Susan said...

Oh my, she is really talented. And your daughter looks precious in that dress. Loved the bow-tie too. How cuteā™„

deb duty said...

Sweet photos! I love the little hair accesory.

Anonymous said...

Awww so cute. I love her hair. Great shots! xx

Unknown said...

oh my she is so precious! love the sweet smile on her face and the dress/bow are beautiful!

julie said...

That dress is it! Such a sweet set of shots!

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