Friday, December 18, 2009


What a day.
Started at 6am with a shower.
At the pediatrician's office by 7:50am for The Boy's 4 year old physical.
2 hours and 6 shots later (5 for The Boy and 1 for The Girl) we were on our way to pick up Baby T and meet Aunt H at Disneyland.
I go through the parking booth no problem.
Phone rings.
It's Aunt H - I'm unloading the stroller, but decide to answer.
They won't let her in. She's blocked out.
Huh? How'd I get in?
Call Disneyland - they confirm - SoCal Select passes are blocked today.
Again - huh? How'd I get in?
Decided it's not worth getting to the Gate with 3 kids and being turned away.
But now I have one crying boy because he was promised a trip to Disneyland since he was so brave and got FIVE shots today AND one crying baby because she missed her morning nap.
The day turned out great from there, but it was a rough start.
We went to Jump n Jammin', Yogurtland and Chick Fil A for lunch - I was feeling guilty about the FIVE shots.
We took naps.
Will got home at a reasonable hour.
We went on a Harbor cruise in Grandpa's boat to see the fancy houses and their Christmas lights.
Everyone is sleeping, but me.


penny said...

You are one of the bravest people I know, trucking all 3 of them to Disneyland so often. No wonder "Baby T" knows who Mikey Mouse is.

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