These are the pictures I took of The Girl earlier this week for her 8 month pictures. Where have those 8 months gone????

A few days old

It has gotten more complicated to take the pictures because she just won't leave Lumpy alone so that I can get a good comparison shot. She's much more interested in shoving him in her mouth.

Of course the ones where she's smiling are kind of blurry because she is in constant motion and won't sit still. However, I still think they are cute.

Too sweet.

The Boy wanted in on the shoot - again:)

She can now sit unassisted, sign milk and more, love crackers (graham and ritz), adores her brother, finally started saying ma-ma (instead of just da-da) when she vocalizes, rolls around like a champ, has made a few attempts a scooting and ends up going backwards, and is an all around cutie patootie.

It will be fun to see what the next 8 months brings.
I love her cute smile!!! Good luck on the race this weekend!
Excuse me!?! Eight months!?! Oh geez, I really need to see her!!!
Great pictures, I see you're getting the hang of your camera. Inside is always trickier with the lighting, and these are beautiful! Cute bow too Mama!
she is cute,but she needs to stop growing.
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