Don't you find something about this pig mask a little freaky? I do, but The Boy found it in the Target Dollar Spot and fell in "I need it" with it and I have a hard time resisting the Dollar Spot, so I caved. However, I find it a little disturbing. On The Boy's first day of preschool we told him he could choose whatever he wanted to have for dinner because it was his special day. Of course he chose pizza, so I made some homemade pizza and we had a little party. He even got to eat on his special red plate.
On Friday (September 18th) we made edible playdoh. It was so much fun! We used cookie cutters and a rolling pin and had a grand old time. He ate quite a bit of it and it was pretty tasty.
Its those "wee beady eyes!"
PS Your blog is naked :) Looks like we were doing the same thing tonight, I'm sure yours will turn out mucho cuter though.
I love you Kyla but that funky polka dot giraffe in the middle of all your photos is making me cuckoo for cocoa puffs! AAAAHHH!
I love the dollar area too but that thing is pretty creepy.
he looks like a evil pig!!
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