On Friday my SIL was visiting and I was making homemade pizza for dinner. I also had a slumber party to go to that night and I was going to bake up cookies (which I already had dough for because I had made some the day before) to take and share. Well, I turned the oven to preheat while I put the pizza together and then I opened it up to pop the pizza in and was UNpleasantly surprised to find the thing absolutely cold. Will walked in just around that time I was freaking out because it wouldn't work. He told me to calm down and we put the kids in the car and went for dinner at Costco instead:) It's not putting out any gas, so we think the electric element that releases the gas is brokent. We're hoping that Will's dad can fix it when they get home in 12 DAYS!!!! Woot!
The Girl has been smiling up a storm and I'm even getting a few giggles out of her. She is just a doll! Today (in our first time at our newly formed ward) I sat next to someone new in Relief Society that had sat behind us in Sacrament Meeting. She told me she loved watching The Girl during Sacrament and would love to hold her sometime. Well, I ended up with my hands full and asked her to hold her for a minute and she was so sweet and agreed and then kept her all through Relief Society. So it was fun to make a new friend today (we have boys in Sunbeams together) and I found out Will is her home teacher. Then, after Relief Society, the person sitting behind me asked if she could take The Girl home with her because she was so darling.
This morning before church The Boy told us that he didn't want to wear church clothes and that he only wanted to wear pajamas. We told him he had to wear church clothes and so then he told us he wanted to go to church naked. I quickly told him that Heavenly Father doesn't like us to come to church naked and that we need to dress in our best clothes to show respect for our Heavenly Father. Well, 2 seconds into the Sacrament being passed he exclaims that he has to go to the bathroom. So, I missed taking the Sacrament and we had to hang out in the Foyer for a little while. He was pointing to the pictures of the Savior that are in Foyer and telling me all about them. And then he exclaims, "Heavenly Father doesn't like us to be naked!" It was really pretty hilarious because it was silent and The Boy makes his anti-naked declaration.
Here are some of her great smiles that I've been lucky enough to catch with the camera.
Ok, seriously, can you believe how big she is getting? Here she is with her lumpy at 2 months old. It's crazy!
We put her down to play on her play mat yesterday and she was having such a great time with the music/light thing.
The Boy loves this Spiderman mask that his Aunt V said he could take home.

On Friday night we had one BIG (I'm not saying last because it won't be!) 4thwardgirls hurrah! It was so fun and I feel very blessed to have had the chance to know all these women. It was a blessing that I will cherish forever. (And yes, that is me with the pink face nursing in the 2nd row. Geez!) Thanks, girls!

She is seriously such a doll!!
I can't wait until I'm in a non-transient ward. But for now, I'll take my MBA friends. :)
I'm so glad The Boy loves the mask and I love the picture.
She is so stinkin' cute! I love all the pictures! You have such cute kids!
Oh, and sorry about the stove. That sucks!
I love the lumpy pics!!!!!!!!!!!!! Infinity!!!! I can't WAIT TO SEE HER! Also, how come you don't have an archive on here? Email me what you've done for JT's birthday cakes...I'm trying to figure out what to do for Mr. Frank.
So...I love the anti-naked declaration story. And that bracelet you chose is adorable! You have such great taste. Hope your oven is in working condition soon.
What cute kiddos! The girl is getting so big so fast! I love the 2nd pic of her w/her lumpy where she's looking at you like, "are you for real, lady?!" too stinkin cute. And your baby announcement was adorable!
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