Before the movie we went to Chick-fil-a for dinner - LOVE THAT PLACE! On Tuesday nights kids eat free and so The Boy had his chicken nuggets, I had chicken strips, and he got to play in the indoor play structure. My advice - get there are five when the promo starts. That's when we got there and there weren't too many people/kids. However, getting closer to 6pm, it got nuts. There were kids that were too big to be playing in there running around, no parents to be found, and a very mean little 2 year old that bit The Boy on the finger! I was sitting outside the playroom watching him through the glass. He's partially hidden behind the big climbing stairs up to the slide, but I can see half his body poking out. When all of the sudden, I hear this big howl. I come a runnin' because I know that voice and he comes running toward me showing me his hand. He can't even speak. I grab his shoes and pull him out of the chaos. I get back to our table and realize his hand is all wet and I take a closer look and see he's been bit. I take him back in there and he points out the little boy that did it. So I told the kids mom, but first I had to find her in the restaurant - good thing I paid attention to who was just throwing their kids into the melee and then leaving. She was like, "Are you sure?" And I said, "Yes, I'm sure" and we left. Who lets their two year old play inside a play structure with giant kids and doesn't even stick around to watch? Craziness.
On Wednesday morning we went to Music Makers for costume day. It was so fun and The Boy was thrilled to see his friend "T" from nursery there. It was so perfect because "T' was a pirate and The Boy was Peter Pan. He shouts, "Mom! Look! "T" is Captain Hook!" The evening, after Baby "T" went home, we had dinner and then I took him to the pumpkin patch. Last year we never made it to a pumpkin patch and I was so sad. This year, I kept saying we were going to go to Tanaka Farms, but we didn't do it before Will left town and they are only open during the day - except on weekends. So, I had resigned myself to the fact that we weren't going again this year. However, I Googled pumpkin patches in my area and found one that was open at night. It's one of those "fake" (as I call them) patches where the pumpkins are already pulled off the vine and just set strategically around, but hey, it worked.
He pulled this wagon around and kept loading in pumpkins he liked.
The Boy had a blast. There were farm animals, pony rides (however, I refuse to pay $5 for him to ride around in a circle for 3 minutes), a mini haunted house, wagons to load up, a bounce house, teepees, and face painting. We had to go through the haunted house at least 10 times and clap for the spiders to fall down above our heads. I'm glad we went! Next year - pick my own at Tanaka, though. We did bring home a little pumpkin and The Boy is in love with it. He wanted to sleep with it. I told him it had to sit on the night stand or it might poke him while he slept. This morning he wanted me to make a pie out of it like the Imagination Movers did. I told him I'll make pie for Thanksgiving and he can have daddy turn this one into a tiny jaggedy lantern when he gets home.
Some of you may have noticed - or not - that I got a haircut! I am so thrilled with it. I wanted a change, I needed a color, and my ends were totally fried. I feel fresh and happy!

I love playing with my PS actions. Plus b/w is just more flattering. I think the world should be in b/w:)

Love the haircut - it looks great!
The haircut is super cute! Love it! Your head looks detached from your body, like you superimposed it on those cartoon sites. I know, only one more night to get to the pumpkin patch! We always take our family picture there every year, and we haven't been! Slacker mom that I am.
Okay, and also I'm so jealous because Chik fila is my favorite and no one seems to want to open one here in our lovely corner of the world! And good job taking a picture of yourself. I always end up with too many chins or something funky going on with my eyes, like I'm crazy!
Mmmm, Chik Fil A. Yum. Love the hair!
Yes! I love your hair! Is it bobbed up in the back? It really looks nice.
your hair is totally CUTE!!!
Please update your blog with trick or tree pics...also, your hair is adorable.
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