He was SO excited to be at Grandma and Grandpa Greats' house. He jumped around and jabberd and told them all about everything. They got a big kick out of him. My sister, her husband, little girl, and my other brother got in from Logan and then it was really a full house. The house was already warm to begin with, but with all of us there it got up to 78 degrees! We were all dying. My mom disappeared for about an hour and we wondered where she had gone. She hid in her bedroom and opened a window. The 10 degree breeze felt good:) The first night The Boy slept pretty well. He got up around 2:30, but I told him to go back to sleep and he did until around 6:30. Then I put him in bed with my mom and me and he slept until 9am.
My mom in her uber cool dress we used to play dress up with. It disappeared:(
That morning I got to scanning all the photos from my mom's childhood album and some AWESOME photos my Grandpa gave me of his family. I am going to post some of them so you can see how awesome they are. A few need some touch ups in PhotoShop, but the awesome Lauren Barden was nice enough to sell me her retired "Make Me Renewed" action so that I can fix them up. My Aunt also came down from Logan and it was good to see her too. After I finished scanning in all the photos, we all went to lunch at the yummy Mexican restaurant. I love Mexican food. Yum! That afternoon we took naps and relaxed and the same for the evening. It was just nice to hang out and visit.
My mom in her uber cool boots we loved to dress up in. They disappeared too:(
On Sunday we packed up and headed home. I got some great photos of The Boy with his Grandparents Great (that's what we call them) and I will post them as soon as I transfer them from the camera. My sister, her husband, daughter and my little brother (that is about a foot taller than me) came down to celebrate Utah's Civil Rights day. I made Monte Cristo Sandwiches on Monday in celebration. Everyone went home that night and the house was strangely quiet.
Today my little sis is sick and so she didn't go to school. Her being sick greatly distressed The Boy. He kept asking what happened to her and worried about her all day. There was one incident when I went to run and errand and she fell asleep. He was playing with his toys on the floor and my mom tried to quietly get him to leave the room with her so that my sister could sleep. He kept telling her, "I can't, Grandma. I can't." So she picked him up and carried him out and that made him MAD. However, he calmed back down and helped Grandma clean the kitchen. He also helped her dump her mineral eye shadow all over the dining room table. And he said, "Grandma, I made a mess!" Oh geez. When I got home she asked him to tell me about the mess he made and he said, "I made a mess. Grandma mad." Hee, hee, the honesty of youth.
Tonight I fiddled with a few pictures in PS and went to get Coldstone ice cream with my dad. That was good, too. I'm back on the healthy eating/exercising wagon when I get home! Tomorrow I am going to Provo to visit friends and see my sister-in-law and Will's Grandma. It should be fun, fun, fun! On Thursday my mom is coming up so we can run around to quilt stores and go and see my little/big brother in Logan. The Boy will be so excited because he's been trying to "find" him since he left on Monday evening.
Well, I've blogged your ears off. I hope you are all well and that you are warmer than 10 degrees right now!
Isn't it cocoa puffs? Also, I need a CD of all of those pics you scanned. ALSO what time will you be here todee at my house?
I love the old photos. I hope you're having a great visit. Isn't it just bitter cold here? Call me if you want to get together, but it sounds like you might have your hands full. No problem.
Oh are you going to see Mandy? so jelious
Looks like you have been having fun. That stinks that JT got so sick. I HATE having sick kids - and it seems like it happens much more often now. In fact joshua has a fever today! anyway...Cool photo's too.
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