Thursday, July 26, 2007

Picture Day!

This is as close as he would get to the goats for a picture, but he did feed them.Look who just hatched! This pig weighs over 500 lbs!!!!
As promised, here are some pictures of our trip to the Santa Ana Zoo - yes, there is a zoo in Santa Ana. Crazy, huh? It's been a good week. On Tuesday we wen to aerobics and did some errands. The Boy loved the popcorn I bought at Target and practically ate the entire bag himself. On Wednesday we went walking. Will was able to come home early and so we played in the wading pool and hose in the late afternoon. That night I went to Mutual BY MYSELF (so much easier these days) and helped the YW iron their designs onto their shirts for camp. I even got to make one - yea! Yesterday Will was walking toward the bathroom to close the door and I said to The Boy, "Where is daddy going?" and do you know what he answered? "To potty"!!!! Can you believe that? I was totally floored. Also, right before Will got home I had started singing "The Wheels on the Bus" with The Boy and 10 minutes later he knows that the wipers go "swish, swish, swish" and sings the last word "town" on key and with much gusto.

Today we went to aerobics and again The Boy was the only kid there and he was lonely. The instructor's husband is done teaching summer school so he watched their little girl and the other lady that comes has her husband on vacation this week so her 4 kids were home with him. He was still really good until the last 10 minutes when I was doing leg and ab work. He decided that he didn't want me using his blanket as a knee pad:) Oh! And when I was doing pushups he tried to help me by pushing me down. It was good resistance work. He took an early nap because he got up early and it worked out nicely because we met Will at work to hang out for the afternoon. He had to turn his computer in, so not much he can do without it. Good news for us. Tonight we gave The Boy a much needed haircut and he was asleep by 7:55pm. He woke up at 5:55 this morning so it must be something about 55. I hope tomorrow he doesn't was up until 6:55 - yeah, keep dreaming, mommy.
This is a Bald Eagle Nest! I guess they had one, but it died in May:(

Ended the day with a train ride.

I'm going into sun deprivation so I'm thinking we'll go to the beach tomorrow. I also need to call my friend and set up a get together because I miss her! You know who you are. I hope you enjoy the pictures and leave me some nice comments:)


Mandy said...

Such cute pictures. :) Glad he got a was getting pretty long!

Laura said...
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Laura said...

I ment to say super cute pics!!

Daphne said...

2 things.

1) very CUTE pics. i really need to visit you guys soon and see the little one. last time i saw him was what... disneyland like a year ago?

2) yes i'm not lying. i DO have eclipse. it's in ebook format. don't worry, i'm so busy with work i haven't started it yet. maybe tonight or tomorrow. =)

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