Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Howdy Folks

I'm sorry that I have been a bad blogger! I feel like I've been running since last week and I haven't stopped! How funny how I posted that last week was so calm and nice and then this weekend it got turned upside down. Will had to work Saturday and so The Boy and I just hung out together. That night we had a wedding reception to go to, so we left The Boy with our cousins. We had a fabulous time, but The Boy was a little nut and wouldn't go to bed for my cousin, so they didn't have a fabulous night:)

Sunday I taught the Laurel class because my advisor was at her SIL's graduate school graduation. I enjoyed teaching and I feel like it went very well. I stayed after to talk youth conference and such with the YM president and with the bishopric counselor. Then, I rushed home to make a cake for dessert and I went to a baptism of one of my laurel's boyfriend. Then I rushed home and had dinner with the fam. Potato bar - mmmmm:)

Monday my girlfriend picked me up and we went to the beach together. It was so much fun. The sun didn't come out until around 11:00, but we still had a fun time and the kids were really good.

Tuesday we were up bright and early to go to the opening of the Finding Nemo ride at Disneyland. Yes, I know I am crazy. However, The Boy loves "Elmo" (as he calls him) and so I just had to do it for him. My inlaws, SIL, her baby, my friend, and her daughter all went with me. So, they took the kids around and kept them entertained while I waited in line for THREE HOURS! Yes, you read that right, THREE HOURS! It was so worth it. The ride was totally cute and The Boy loved it. I have some fun pictures to share, but I don't want to go and get them right now because it is past bedtime, but I wanted to blog:) I even took a nap that day because I was so wasted!

Today we went walking, took a trip to Walmart, and then off to the park. My SIL joined me and we had a nice hour hanging out. This afternoon The Boy played in the pool while I wrote a rough draft of the skit for the YW to use at camp. Tonight we went to an Open House/Baby Shower kind of thing and it was fun to see the new baby! Then, off to mutual and now home for bed. It has been a busy week, but enjoyable. I promise to blog before the week is over!

Here is a new LO I did with a fab new kit at TheDigiShoppe by Miss HuniBuni and Ali Folendore. Aren't the colors fab???? Come and get it today!


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