Thursday, May 03, 2007


This week went fast! I had good intentions of blogging before today, but I can't even believe it is already Thursday!!!! We are off to aerobics in about 15 minutes, but I wanted to hop on and say hello! So HELLO! I have a few layouts to show off and some pictures from our last trip to Utah. Our camera has been acting funky, so I haven't been able to take any pictures the last couple of weeks. I am going to try again to and if it doesn't work then I'm afraid we'll need a new battery. I need to go to Costco today for various items for us and to pick up the drinks for the snack table tomorrow at the Stake Play. I wanted to get to Disneyland this week, but I just don't think that is going to happen. We went to the park yesterday and The Boy loves that. Tonight I am going to see the play again with the YW. I'll get to see the 2nd cast, so that will be fun to compare their performances. If I were in the play I wouldn't want 2 casts just for that reason - you know people are saying who and what they like better. Oh, well!!!
Guess what The Boy said yesterday? Elephant!!! I'll see if I can get a video clip of that one. I haven't done a video clip in a long time!!!! I think that's all the news I've got! Enjoy your Thursday!!!
All Credits HERE


Mandy said...

Girl, so not fair that you won Carrie's alpha - I was hoping for it. ;) Her stuff is totally cute, huh?

Michelle said...

Really nice blog you have here! I love your layouts, you are very talented!

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