Monday, April 30, 2007

What a Weekend

So we kicked off the weekend with myself, 3 YW, and my secretary selling at the snack bar for the Stake Play. We had a good time and the YW made a little money to go toward camp.

Credits HERE

On Saturday morning we got up early and headed over to the Hurley sale in Irvine. We waited in line for about an hour and once we got in there, we wondered if it had all been worth it. It wasn't! The prices were discounted from MSRP, but I'm still not paying $15 for a toddler t-shirt. Nope! Shirts for Will were still $20. I can get that on clearance at a regular department store. So the only thing we walked out of there with was a $5 wallet for me. We know for next time!!!! After the sale we dropped Will off at work for about an hour and The Boy and I went to Target to birthday shop for our cousins' daughter's birthday party that afternoon. Will still wasn't done when we got done at Target so I drove The Boy over to the temple and he really liked that. He cried when I told him to say goodbye:) Well, he was also really tired. On the way back over to Will's office he fell asleep, slept all the way home, I got him bed, and he slept until 12:30!!!! That was 3 hours! So we were late for the birthday party, but it was worth letting him get some sleep. The party was fun and our little cousin baby was too cute! They did a Hawaiian theme and the food so yummy! On the way to the party Will had to take a couple of business calls, so he sat in the car while The Boy and I went inside. I saved him some food and he joined us about 15 minutes later. Friday afternoon we just hung out and Will took a nap. Then we took The Boy back over to our cousins' house because they were babysitting him while Will and I went out to dinner and saw the Stake Play. We had a good evening and it was nice to be out by ourselves for one night. When we picked The Boy up my cousin said she had to rock The Boy to sleep because he wouldn't do it all by himself. I suspected as much. The night before Will had to put him to bed and so I suspected he might fight it a little.

On Sunday we went to church and I had to run Will to the airport during Sunday School. He had to go to Ft.Wayne, Indiana for a few days. We rushed back and went to YWs and then to a meeting for youth conference. When we got home The Boy was way past tired, so he fell asleep no problem for his nap and slept for about 2 hours. I got some digi in and that was great! I had the Stake YW Choir performance that night, so The Boy stayed wth my inlaws and I went over to the church. They did really well and it was a really nice evening. When I got home my MIL was sitting in the room with The Boy because he wouldn't go to sleep. So, I rocked him for 5 and layed him down and he put himself to sleep. I think it was too many nights without mommy getting him ready for bed. However, I do think it is good for him:)

Today we are going walking in about 15 minutes and I'm doing A LOT of cleaning. Other than that, I have no plans. Will comes home tomorrow, so we are looking forward to that! I made a birthday card for my cousins' baby, but it has her name on it, so I'm not going to post it. If you want to see it, email me and I'll send it to you. Have a great week!!!


Mandy said...

Hey Girl! I thought about coming to visit you this week, but I know you are super busy. It was spur of the moment - I'm not going to aerobics AT ALL This week b/c the teacher brought her sicky kid with the tummy bug today! I left soon after I found out. No way do I want to fight that this season! So I decided to potty train this week. We'll see how it goes. Wow, this is a long comment. :)

Daphne said...

what a fun weekend! were u in that stake play? or did u just watch it? and how's the choir thing going?

sorry, what does YW stand for? =)

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