Saturday, March 24, 2007

Winner! Winner! Winner!

That's what I am! I went to this wild and crazy chat at DST Chat room and I won a free kit from Emily Farnworth! Cool, huh? My friend, mrsmbm, is on her CT and so it's even more fun! I get to pick the kit and I want and I emailed her today and asked if I could please have this one:

I have some Halloween pictures from The Boy's first Halloween and I think this is a great kit to do it with. The chat at DST was hilarious! It was moving so fast that it was hard to keep up. I even had to put the boy to bed while it was going on and that is when I won! If I hadn't taken my laptop into his room with me, I would have missed it! Will thought I was crazy, but that is ok, it was a lot of fun.

Credits can be seen HERE

This morning I went to aerobics! There were two other ladies that come on T/Th that wanted to start doing it on Saturday too and I said, why not? I'm already getting in 5 workouts a week with my walking buddies on MWF, but I'm up for a 6th workout. If it will help me shed this annoying weight, I'm all for it! Will might be going into work, but for the most part we are just hanging out today. I need to go to Costco for trash bags and other various items, but it's a pretty low profile day. I'm also the choir director for the YW in Excellence choir, so I need to get on that music, because our first rehearsal is coming up.

Credits can be seen HERE
It seems that whenever Will is home, They Boy doesn't want to take a nap. Today is no exception. He usually goes to sleep for his 1st nap, no problem. Not today! Poor bubba, he just wants to be with his daddy. However, his mommy says he has to sleep. Sorry!


Mandy said...

I tried to get into the chat, but Java wasn't compatible with Vista! I hate the stupid new Windows! Anyway, that is such a cute kit - I'm sad I've already scrapped Halloween pictures! That's what I get for being caught up! :)

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