Did you notice how I changed up the sidebar? Probably not, but I thought I would bring your attention to it. I added in my new CT Blinkie. I'm on the team for Melissa Daniel and I did my first LO for her last night with an older picture of my brother and my niece. Isn't it cute? If you want me to scrap for you, then email me some pictures and I will be glad to do it. I can't promise how quick I'll be about it, but I'll try. All my designers have these beautiful pink kits and that just isn't going to work for my very boyish boy:) We're all about red and blue at our house. However, you will catch the boy in a purple polo every once and awhile and he looks very manly! I also took out a few of the blinkies that I don't really go to and I added one to Amy's site. She does a list like the IkeaGoddess if you are ever looking for digi freebies. I also changed to my Easter blinkie - finally! I haven't even decorated my house for Easter. I need to do that today.
The Boy did better during sacrament meeting today. He didn't have to be taken out until after the sacrament! Ha! I decided I would only bring him back in once and if he didn't do well, then we would stay out in the foyer. So, we came back in and lasted about 5 minutes and then we were outside for the rest of the meeting. Also, when he's in the foyer, he has to sit on his bum on the couch and there are no books or toys. If he wants those, then he has to sit quietly in sacrament meeting. He was SO tired today, but I didn't put him down for a nap because I needed to be out and about during Sunday School. So, his behavior was to be expected - he was a tired toddler. He doesn't like just sitting, so we spent most of the foyer time sitting on a chair in an empty classroom because he was screaming. He went to nursery during the Sunday school hour with his dad, but he didn't last long because he had a meltdown. The last hour I went to YWs and Will hung out in a classroom with him so he could run around and be by himself. When we got home he just crashed and has been asleep for almost 2 hours now. Yea! He would do ok in sacrament meeting, but he likes to jabber and he can't. So when we try to get him to be quiet he gets mad and throws a fit. Any ideas? He's not even 16 months, but any guidance or things that have worked for you would be helpful.
Today we aren't having family dinner because it is fast Sunday and the inlaws have Break the Fast with the single adults. I leave for Utah on Thursday - yea! So I have lots of fun things to finish around here before we can go. Monday we are going walking with my friends and I'd like to take The Boy to Atlantis park. I also want to take him to the zoo sometime. My friend said the Santa Ana zoo is BORING, so maybe if I can get a free coupon or something we'll still go.
BAck to Utah? Fun, fun! I need to decorate my house for Easter...Maggie will LOVE to do that tomorrow!
As for SM, I remember 15-18 months old being the WORST for Maggie. We did what you do - it's NO FUN out in the hallway, but all the fun stuff is inside. Good luck - it will get better when his communication skills catch up with him!!
so cool that I made your blog list.
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