I'm so excited to be on these two new CTs. The one for Sara Amarie is just a guest spot in June, but that is better than nothing! Plus, I am totally swamped with CT responsibilities right now, so it's good that it's not a full time or else I might be overextending myself just a tad. Then, when I signed into ElementalScraps 5 minutes later, I found this post:
I was the grand prize winner in the Designer Challenge for the first week of March! Cool, huh? Add that to the prize I won at the DST Chat and I'm on a winning streak. Wahoo!!!! I will have to post all the fun things that I've won, so you can see them. Oooh! I also got picked by Jennifer Barrette to try out her new "Singing in the Rain" kit, so if you have an especially cute rain picture with one of your kiddos, send it my way! I need to get to scrapping!
Things at home are great. The Boy is transitioning down to one nap. It was becoming too much of a battle to get him down for a 2nd nap and so I've given in. On Sunday and Monday he went to sleep around noon and slept for 2 hours. It's great! Today he went down at noon and he's been down an hour, so keep your fingers crossed. We went to aerobics and Costco this morning. Costco was so uncrowded it was great! At aerobics I found out that The Boy LOVES Goldfish crackers. He's never really had them, so today when he scarfed down a poor little girls fishies, I felt bad! When we were at Costco I picked up a box for him. It will be perfect for our roadtrip on Thursday to Utah. I also got him some graham crackers and fruit snacks. Hopefully between those and Little Einsteins we'll be able to keep him pretty happy. I also printed off my first LO! It turned out so great. I started with The Boy's "0 Month" page - from his first month of life. I'm so excited to start putting his first album together. I finished his 6 month page yesterday, so I am halfway through his first year!

Credits can be seen HERE
Today we need to go to the library, return some movies, and do the laundry. We are also having the house tented for termites while we are gone, so we've got to get the food packed in bags. Will is staying next door for the 2 nights when the house is tented and then next door will come over here and stay while their house is tented too. Crazy!
Just wait until you are all caught up on his life's scrapbook...it will feel SO NICE! Congrats on all your CT's!
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