Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sick . . . And on My Birthday!

Can you believe that? Tuesday night when Will got home from work he asked me if I was ok and I told him I was starting to get stuffy and not feeling so great. Then, when I woke up on Wednesday, I was feeling a little worse, but I was supposed to go walking with my friend. So, against Will's advice, I went:) I think that did me in. I came home and within an hour I was feeling terrible! Luckily The Boy went down for his nap without any fight and then I just laid in bed and tried to heal. It didn't work very well and when he got up he just had to play in my room while I moaned in agony. He tried to play with me and I just couldnt do it. Poor kid!

Credits can be seen HERE
The worst part was it was my birthday! I had big plans to go to Disneyland and I just knew I would never make it. I took some medicine and it helped me to feel a little better. I went over to mutual to say hello and drop off my extra birthday cake. Will had come home with pizza (yea!) and while I was gone he fed The Boy and got him bathed for bed.

Credits can be seen HERE

Today I am feeling a lot better, but I didn't push my luck and go to aerobics today. I did go to TMA and visit my friends and saw some old students. That was fun and The Boy loved being around all the kids. I'm sharing some layouts I did of my niece and my friend's new baby. I still need to post pictures of The Boy's hair. I'll do that tomorrow, I promise!!!!


karen said...

Happy Birthday ! Get better soon.

Ashby said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you start to feel better soon!

Laura said...

Happy belated Birthday

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