Today was kind of a lazy day for us. We went walking this morning and when we got home The Boy wanted to see his grandparents. So, we visited with them for a little while and then came upstairs for a nap. The Boy fell asleep almost immediately BUT then 20 minutes later the banging started again. AHHHH! So the roofer was done on Friday but came back today to "finish" a few things. WHAT? The Boy lasted 10 minutes and then woke up. I was pretty furious, but what can you do? We played during the afternoon, ate lunch, and then time for another nap. This one only last a little over an hour (I was hoping for 2) but he was in good spirits when he woke up. We went outside and he played in the yard for a little while and he got to play on the tramp with his cousins. He loved it and he was totally hilarious! We made pizza, ate, took a bath, and now he's in bed.
I did clean my living room, which I had to to before I could turn on my computer this morning. I'm afraid that tomorrow can't be a lazy day. I need to clean the kitchen, do laundry, go to aerobics, go to the bank, to the library and fit in a couple of naps. I'm only 160 pages from the end of New Moon and I can't even contain myself to get there. However, it makes me sad when I finish an awesome book because it is over and I can't read it anymore:(
hey girl, i miss ya!
your niece is so cute! is she the one that was born around the same time as your little one?
I'm DYING to read those books! Hurry up, LA Library!!!!!!!!!
Cute layouts!!! I keep finding new digi-scrap sites and I always think of you. I should start writing them down so I can pass them along! And have fun finishing your book. LOVE LOVE LOVE those books. I just wish #3 would hurry up and get published. Maybe I need to go back and read Twilight and New Moon as a refresher!
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