So, today I am posting the two LOs I've done for the Creative Team I am on. I whipped these out to in a day and a half because I have to keep up with the other CT Members:) My friend Mandy gave me a tip about using the burn tool to make it look like the stickpin is actually piercing the paper and that made it look even more realistic. Thanks, Mandy! I still want to learn how to make the paper poof up where the stick pin is "under" the paper. Oh well, another day!
Yesterday was busy for us because I was trying to post a CT LO, clean the kitchen, finish up my game for the joint YW activity and Will came home sick. He was really sick! He went in late today because he was still feeling sick. Yesterday when he came home he slept from like noon to 5pm. I took The Boy to mutual with me because Will's reflexes were so slow I don't know if either of them would have survived the hour.
The Apostle Jeopardy went really well, so if you need a fun activity for your YW to get them ready for General Conference, let me know and I will give you the info. We were going to go to Disneyland today with my SIL and new nephew, but with Will being sick and me feeling beat down, I decided against it. I didn't have aerobics today because there was a funeral at the building, so we're having it tomorrow. That means I am walking with my friend at 8:15 and going to aerobics. It will make up for not doing anything today. I'd also like to go to the beach tomorrow. The weather has been perfect for playing in the sand and we got new toys for it, so I'll try it as an outing tomorrow. We went to the park on Wednesday and The Boy had a blast playing "near" 2 other kids from the ward. He absolutely loved the slide. I wish I had Will there to take pictures. Maybe we can take a family trip there on Saturday and I can try to capture his thrilled expressions. 

Love the arrow on the dream page! Sorry, I don't know how to make it poof up...it's distortion of some sort, but I'll bet there's a tut out there! :)
Looks good! I'm happy to find your blog.
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