Saturday, March 17, 2007

Feelin' It

Credits: "Cora" by Amanda Roberts; Alpha doodle by Carrie Bombria; template by Johanna Berry

Everytime I do a new LO I feel like I am getting into the groove and discovering my personal style. I thought yesterdays was my favorite LO and now I'm thinking that this new one is my fav. What do you think? I am now on 3 CTs. I'm doing JooJooBeezz, Scraps for Charity, and Ann-Marie @ OAKS. Cool, huh? I'll probably be posting a LO with Ann-Marie's stuff early next week. JooJooBeezz has a Ladybug kit that I want to get scrapped this week. I have a cutie picture of my niece and I think it will work perfectly.
Today started off slow, but we had a great late afternoon/evening. The Boy refused to nap and so Will took him and let me have a little break. I was getting really frustrated and I didn't want to take it out on The Boy, so I'm glad that Will was home or he would have had to just hang out in his crib until I let it go:) We went out to dinner for my birthday tonight at Ruby's. YUM! The Boy LOVES ketchup - just like his GrandpaT. He would actually just leave the french fries and dip his finger in the stuff. Ha! The waitress also brought him his own little ice cream cone at the end of the meal. It was so tiny and cute and he absolutely loved it. We stopped at the park for 15 minutes and The Boy showed Will how he goes down the slides. Then, on the grocery store and back home again for bedtime. He was out by 7:45 and I've had a very lovely evening.
Tomorrow is Sunday - which means Ward Council, church, and a youth fireside. However, I'm probably not going to the fireside because we are having my birthday dinner and I want to enjoy it. Some restricted number keeps calling me today, but isn't leaving a message. It just called - it's 9:32!!! So it must be someone I know and they just aren't leaving me a message. I don't answer calls when I don't know who is calling. I got that from my mom. So leave a message and I'll call you back:) Goodnight - I'm off to read New Moon. It's SOOO good! I was up until 1am reading last night. Shame!


Mandy said...

Wow! I never would have thought to put the Cora kit with Carrie's doodle alpha - looks awesome! Yup, I'm up at 4:30, been up all night. Totally exhausted. Sick toddler didn't fall asleep until 2:30! Ugh!

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