Thursday, January 25, 2007

How Do I Know?????

This guy!!!!
He's one of the final 6 guys on "Grease: You're the One that I Want" and I know him!!! He was totally at the Y when I was going there and I can't for the life of me figure out how I know him. I emailed all my friends from college and asked them if they remembered him and so far it has come back a big fat - NO! I'm still waiting on three of my friends that took dance classes while we were there and thinking maybe he danced with one of them. I did take a tap class and since he was a MDT major, maybe I just saw him in halls of the RB every T/Th when I was waiting for my tap class to start. Who knows. So, if any of my Y alums read the blog and they remember Jason Celaya, then please holla back so I can put my mind to rest.
Ok, that totally wasn't an Awesome Family Fun related blog:) However, I had to put it out there and get it off my chest. We went to Provo today and saw my sis and my sis-in-law. It was fun and we got everything done we wanted to get done and got back before dark! Amazing! I have still be too lazy to DL the pictures from my camera, so here is an oldie back from The Boy's first trip to Disneyland. What a cutie!


Mandy said...

When do you get back to CA? Don't you miss your overworked husband? Although, I'm sure you are loving hanging out with your family without the stress of the holidays.

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