So I got many fun things at the Joann's sale and my mother-in-law and I are going to the other Joann's today because it is big and beautiful! The one I went to is so tiny and their backstock is always littering the aisles, something I hate! But it did us well yesterday because I found 10 patterns that I wanted. I got the pattern for a tree skirt I want to make one day, a pattern for a diaper stacker to match the rest of the things in the nursery, a tote bag pattern, some costume ideas for his costume next year, and a very cute bath cape pattern. The Boy is just out growing the absolutely darling hooded bath towel that I got him this time last year. ::sigh:: Where is my baby going? When patterns are 5 fo $5 you just can't go wrong picking a few up. I also got the fabric to make special Christmas presents for my nieces and The Boy. I can't wait to get started!
Today I must fold all the laundry that I washed on Tuesday. I've got about half of it folded, but there seems like an endless pile to fold. There is a lot more laundry when there are 8 people living in a house rather than just 3. That's 8 towels, 8 blankets, 8 washcloths, etc. I also need to get the house in order so that my Aunt doesn't think we are complete slobs. Something was leaking under my sink and so I have everything pulled out from under it in the kitchen and I need my father-in-law to look at it so I can get it fixed and put everything back. The Boy's room has been the stuffing place while my family was here, so I need to go in and put everything where it is supposed to be.
We had a great time at the shower last night and it made me want to have a girl's night holiday party. I am contemplating a cookie exchange party, but I haven't decided on it for sure. I do have The Boy's little family birthday party coming up, so that could kill the need for another party, but we shall see!
Oh, and I am so nervous about tomorrow! I am trying out for the Stake Musical and I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. They are doing Beauty and the Beast and I really want to be in it (and secretly I'd like to be Mrs. Potts or Belle - ha, fat chance!) but I haven't had to audition for anything in a LONG time. I can't find a piece of music that I think flatters my voice and I am getting kind of frustrated, so I might peruse some music stores in the area today to see if I can find something fitting. I was thinking something from Les Miserables or The Little Mermaid. Hopefully I can find something. Wish me luck!!!!!
Love the patterns! We'll have to work on the costume one together...stress out about it together is more like it! Hey, are you an alto? Candle on the Water from Pete's Dragon is a good song! First song that popped in my head if you want to do a Disney theme, but something different than everyone else. :)
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