My camera battery is on the fritz, so these were taken with my phone.

That evening we went to a dinner/fundraiser for the youth in our old Westminster Ward. Man, do I miss that place! It's strange to go back to some place that was your "home" and be a visitor. That has never really happened in my life. I grew up in Las Vegas, but moved when I was 12 and never really went back, so it's like a foreign land to me. I did my YW days in Iowa, but that's so far away that I've only been back once for a 2 day stint about 5 years ago. But the Westminster Ward, now those are my peeps and my home. I got to see all my cutie YW and that just tugs at my heartstrings not to be involved with them on a weekly basis. I just love all the history that is involved in Will's growing up ward. I love the people there. I sure do miss it. It was funny because Will was all - we'll go, we'll eat, we'll leave. Then, we stayed until the end because we were having so much fun. The Boy was in his element with his friends and his cousins. He does well anywhere though - he's his mom's social bug clone.

The highlight of the evening was when my friend painted his face like a pirate. He was so in love with it! He is obsessed with Peter Pan and Captain Hook right now, so it was the perfect thing for him. Once he got ahold of my compact mirror, he couldn't stop looking at himself. What a kook!
He went the entire day without a nap and was perfectly good the entire day. I was so proud of him! On the way home, he was all sweaty from running around with his dad, uncle, and cousins, and his face was all smeary from the face painting. We weren't even halfway home and he passed out! We couldn't keep him awake. He had to have a bath, so we woke him up when we got home and he was not pleased. He just screamed! There was one point when I sat him on the toilet while I was running his bath and he just looked at me, glassy eyed, and screamed. I don't think he was even all there. But we got him bathed and dressed and in bed, and he was out.
Yesterday we went to church and he did so well in nursery not attacking anyone with love. I stayed with him the first hour to work on going to the bathroom away from home, and that went well too. After his nap we went to Westminster again for my other sister-in-law's birthday celebration and we all had a blast eating, talking a playing. Will's little sister has moved home so that she can go to grad school, so we're excited to have her back too. The Boy is excited she's here to play playdoh with him again. I even played a little Wii bowling and bowled a 137, but it wasn't good enough to beat Will's 164. Blast!
It was great seeing you!! You look great!!
So fun! i love playing the wii. i can't wait to be back to normal again and be able to play it. i just don't have the engery right now. after the baby, i really want to get wii fit and try and lose some baby weight and just chunky before baby weight too!! ha!
STOP IT! He's growing up way too fast...
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