June 2008

So, I am pregnant and due about the same time I was due with The Boy 3 years ago. His due date was December 7th and my due date this time is January 2nd, so less than a month apart. That means I'll be about as far along during the summer and heat months. Today I was looking at my feet and thinking, I need a pedicure! I don't think I've had one since my mother-in-law left in September of last year for her mission. I painted my own toe nails a few weeks ago, but it's just not the same.

Then, I got to thinking about my feet during my pregnancy. My first roommate from BYU emailed me after she got the news that I'm pregnant and told me how someone she knows was complaining about her swollen pregnant feet and that made her think of my feet. That summer before JT was born I was the YW President and our ward went to Cedar City to go to Youth Conference. I was pretty much useless on hikes and such because my feet were so terribly swollen from the heat and I was only 5 months pregnant. It was terrible! One night we went to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat at the Tuacahn Theater in St. George. It was so awesome and the night ended with a bang when it started down pouring and a lightning storm started. The YW were hilarious because they are So Cal girls that have never barely seen a cloudy day - let alone a lightning/down pour storm. So, as I jump up with my sister in law to get out of the rain, I can't!!!! My feet have become so swollen in the heat, that I can't even get my flip flops on and my feet are so tight it hurts. I totally had to hobble to the car and I'm sure I was quite a sight.
I also remember that about 10 minutes after The Boy was born, I looked down, and my feet were back!!!! It was a miracle! Even my OB commented on how much water weight I must have been carrying because I looked totally fabulous like 10 minutes after The Boy was delivered. Then, when my milk came in, my feet totally swelled up again - it was awful! LOL

So, I wanted to write an ode to my feet. Besides being in desperate need of a pedicure, they are looking pretty great right now. Though they aren't anywhere near as bony as my friend Kenna's, they are tanned and not swollen and I know I will miss them in a few months when I can't see them or they have morphed into something that can hardly be called feet. So, here's to you - feet! I'll see you on the flip side!
August 2005
CRAZY!! i remember that story from when it happened wit the boy. get eady for it again!! my feet haven't been too bad this time around. i hope they stay that way!!
You poor thing. Swollen feet are so uncomfortable. Maybe this time will be different??! Let's hope!
Holy cow, isn't it amazing what we do for our babies. Good thing they're so cute!
Maybe if it's a girl, you won't be swollen. :)
horrible! Hopefully you won't have to deal with that again. After birthing joshua my feet looked like umpalumpa feet. I have no idea how you spell that.
BWAH HA HA!! I remember when my feet did that when we flew from California to Korea...it was awesome. My feet didn't swell with Franky though - so maybe the second time around you'll get lucky. My word verification is sufrkroc...I think it's telling me surfers rock.
I remember how swollen my feet got with my first, Serious Man. It didn't get so bad with the subsequent pregnancies. I hope that is what happens to you this time.
Holy cow! I forgot they got that bad. The only time mine did that with Hannah was coming home from the cruise, they were horrible, and then I had to run all the way across LAX to catch our connection...pretty funny to watch, I'm sure. I lucked out with Emma though, so maybe Crystal is right and you'll get lucky with #2!
wow kyla swollen feet. i was going to say you had healthy feet then i scrolled down and saw how swollen they are ... poor girl. i'm sorry cute toes by the way.
Sounds so sad! I'm glad I'm not the pregnant one! Although, maybe it would help my feet look less bony!! :)
Oh no...hope it doesn't get that bad this time! And CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you!
Oh, how I can relate. Those feet. I dread them. I cried when my 2nd was born and the feet did not go away for about 10 days!@$%#^(*!! Good luck. I promise I will not make any comments about your feet come December.
Congratulations! I didn't even know you were pregnant.
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