So, this week I decided to just go for it and yesterday we did. On Sunday night we were down to two diapers and I am so tired of taking out dirty diapers 2-3 times a day. It was time. Yesterday morning was a roller coaster. He was excited to wear big boy underwear and use his potty, but we just couldn't get the timing right. I was setting a timer to go off every 10-15 minutes so I'd remember to ask him regularly if he had to go. However, what happened is I think he felt like he could only go if the timer rang. So, he had 5 accidents before 11:00! LOL One was in Costco in the shopping cart and another was in his car seat on the way home. ::sigh:: I wasn't going to give up. So, when we got home from Costco, I said to him, "If you have to go potty, you can just go. Just run in there and go. Okay?" He said okay and I crossed my fingers. Well, that seems to be the golden ticket. He hasn't had an accident since (knock on wood). We've even had a #2.
I'm still scared to leave the house. LOL We had ward FHE in the park last night and I didn't go because (1) Will wasn't home and (2) I didn't want to worry about going potty in public yet after our Costco fiasco. I think waiting 6 months so that he is 2 1/2 has made all the difference for him. Back in January he had no bowel control and couldn't coordinate anything. Today I'm still setting the timer for 20 minutes so that it reminds me to ask him if he needs to go, but everytime he's gone today it's because he's told me has to go, runs in, and does his business.
So, that is our story. I hope it has a happy ending:) We'll keep you posted as I am sure you're all dying to know!
sounds like you guys have an awesome start! If he's already telling you than I think you're basically there. Yeah!!
good luck with everything. i tried with moma a couple of weeks ago, but she didn't quite get it the first time either. i think it's best to wait until they're telling you so i'm just going to wait a few months and then try again. it might be hard with the new baby, but i don't want to have to pay for two sets of diapers for very long!!
I was wondering how the Costco trip went :) I'm glad he's doing so well!! YAY for The Boy!
I just realized I was logged in as Steve :)
Yeah! I hope it continues to go well! I didn't leave the house for a week when I potty trained Mia, so you're either braver or crazier than me :) Having a potty trained kid is such a nice feeling though! Good luck!
I hope potty training continues to go as well for you as it has been--sounds like you got off to a good start this time around. Good luck! I HATE potty training!
Oh my gosh, potty training is the one job I would hire out as a parent. It sounds like you guys are pros!
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