Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Festivities

It was so fun to almost all my siblings and their kids together for Easter.
On Saturday - despite the gloomy, freezing weather - we dyed eggs outside
and had a fun egg hunt put on by Aunt Kenna.

It was freezing, but we didn't want the kids in good clothes
in case of an egg dyeing mishap :)

Sunday we had church bright and early at 9am.
The kids were all in their Easter best.

Along with our fabulous Easter dinner - which I forgot to take a picture of -
I made Resurrection Rolls with the kids.
They are kind of a visual/object lesson of the Resurrection and empty tomb.

They worked perfectly and everyone loved them.
I did have visions of a baking disaster and
the kids 10 years from now recalling their crazy Aunt
trying to equate Easter with charred marshmallows.

Next time, we need to make a few more dozen :)

Sweet Shot Day


dancin' momma said...

We had so much fun, and loved all of the chaos! Miss you guys already.

Mandy said...

Your kids get cuter with each blog post. I just want to pinch your baby girls' cheeks!!! DARLING!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time. Love all the colorful pictures!

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