The invites looked like this.

(My cousin made the fondant pieces and I frosted and put them together
because she was out of town)

chair isn't as wide in the front as ours at home,
so you couldn't see it all at the same time :)

She got a custom quiet book from Grandma and Grandpa.

An awesome ride on toy from Uncle P, Aunt V and The Boys.
Foofa! from The Boy
The infamous Animal Zoo Train from Mom and Dad.
Darling cupcake jammies from Auntie M, Uncle K, and K.
I at least got the birthday hat made!
We stripped her down for her Mama cake.
After testing the cherry . . .
She went for it!
And got REALLY excited about it.

Then starting shoving it in.

Cousin S (visiting from Utah) was next.

Cousin K knew to keep his distance.

Uncle K wasn't so lucky.

But he did get a kiss out of it.

Auntie M finally got hers - and french at that ;)

Don't forget Grandma!

She really wanted to share with everyone that walked by.

I decided to take her up on her offer.

An awesome ride on toy from Uncle P, Aunt V and The Boys.

And got REALLY excited about it.

Then starting shoving it in.

The brave ones posed for pictures.
Aunt H was first.

Cousin S (visiting from Utah) was next.

Cousin K knew to keep his distance.

Uncle K wasn't so lucky.

But he did get a kiss out of it.

Auntie M finally got hers - and french at that ;)

Don't forget Grandma!

She really wanted to share with everyone that walked by.

I decided to take her up on her offer.
wanted to slime me instead.
We settled it peaceably.

and this was the best picture I got.
It was a great night I was so glad that so much of Will's family could be there. It was even Aunt V and Uncle P's anniversary and they were there to help us celebrate. We missed having Grandma Nelson with us - she flew home the night before - but we were glad the E Clan was there.

New Year's resolution #1 - start her birthday outfit earlier ;)
It was a great party. She is too cute! Need help next year? Pls Holla.
Kyla, you have so much going on in Dec and you still make all of them look so great!!!! The cupcakes are so cute!!! And so is the Birthday girl!!
The cupcake theme was so cute! Love the huge cupcake!
DARLING pictures! She's just such a doll.
I love it!! You are so creative. And I would have braved getting close for a kiss. She is adorable!
They turned out so cute. Everything looked so fun. I'm so sorry we were out of town and missed it. She's such a doll. Maybe you will need to be my soux chef when I get a huge cupcake order because they turned out great! Good job!
I love the series of pictures! They made me laugh! You are such a cute mom! What a fun party!!
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