Isn't he handsome? I can hardly believe he's FOUR. What the? I remember holding him during the first week of his life and thinking the time was going WAY too quickly. Well, here we are four years later and I can't even fathom how quickly time passes.
I'm in love with this kid. He is the epitome of Billy Mumphry's unbridled enthusiasm. He loves life and he loves living it. It shows from his toes to his nose and spills out all over everything he comes in contact with. We are so much alike it is SCARY. Will says he looks like daddy, but inside he's all mommy. He is such a love bug and still loves hair. He'll be playing and he'll take a five minute break, sit next to me on the couch, and play with my hair. Will says we'll know when he's found his true love when he comes home with a beautiful girl with perfectly coiffed hair. Awesome! He's quick and rarely do we get anything by him. He loves reading, writing, figuring out what letter a word starts with, drawing, and his teacher - Miss K.
I can't imagine my life without him and I thank Heavenly Father every day that I was chosen to be his mother. I love you, my skoogie moogie, thanks for being My Boy!
Love the comment about hair. :) Happy Birthday!
with parents like he has, he HAS to be a fun kid. love daddy's description... "looks like daddy, but inside he's all mommy." made me laugh so hard.
Yes, he is quite the looker. Like I've told you before, watch out girls!!! Tell his little 'sis she'd better keep 'em from beating down his door. :)
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