. . . cuz my little man started preschool today! I can't even believe it! He was so excited on Monday night and was talking about and talking about it and couldn't go to bed. This morning he woke up and didn't want to eat breakfast because he wanted to go to school. I told him his teacher needed him to eat breakfast so he'd be happy for school. Will was able to go in late this morning so he could go with us to his first day.
Last night we went shoe shopping to get him some "super fast" tennis shoes for school. He was so excited to get them and they are awesome because he can put them on himself. Woot! Last night we also talked about how I would make him a lunch to take with him. Well, this morning he got out his Spiderman lunchbox - which is the size of a fist - packed it with 3 of his favorite plastic food items and insisted that he was taking it with him to school. What the? I had to convince him that he needed real food in the lunch bag mommy was making for him.

He couldn't get out the door fast enough, but I made him stop and take pictures. I really can't believe that he's this big! I didn't cry. I think I kept myself too busy to think about it. While he was gone it was strange not to have his little voice going non-stop in the background. I love that voice. It's also strange that he will now go some place for roughly 5 hours a week that is completely his. Not his and mine - like his entire life has been. It's just his. I'm so glad he has such a cute and wonderful teacher and I completely trust, but it's just weird.

When we got there, he hopped out of the car and started running for the door. I made him come back and take a picture with his dad. Will stayed in the car with the girls. But as soon as that picture was taken . . .

. . . off he went. He didn't even look back! He didn't want to hold my hand. He was off!

. . . still not looking back . . .

Me: Hey! Stop! Turn around! I need a picture!

One of his friends from church was already there and so I said, "Hey guys, let me take your picture!" She smiles and scoots closer and my little lover boy puts his arm around her and squeezes. LOL

He loved it. I'm so proud of him. As we drove away from school he said, "Miss Kristin is my favorite teacher ever." ::melt::
So sweet. This is just the first in a long line of awesome moments for him! He's gonna be great!
I can't believe you didn't cry! I would have been bawling. He is so handsome!
Cute. Pass the Kleenex. I'm crying thinking about next year already.
Adorable that is all I can say!
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