I hit the lottery when I moved to the 4th Ward. We were so sad to leave the Wtown Ward, but if we had to go anywhere, we were blessed to land in the 4th Ward. We were super sad when they changed the Stake boundaries and the 4thwardgirls were split up amongst 3 new wards. However, we've all bloomed where we were planted and continued to spread the 4th Ward Love wherever we go.

One such awesome lady that I had the blessing to meet and get to know is Amy. I'm sure she doesn't remember the first time we met, but I do :) I was struck by her dazzling smile, long elegant body, and fabulous hair. She sat next to me in Relief Society my first Sunday in the 4th Ward and chatted me up with her cute personality. I didn't know at the time that she had just come off a very difficult bed rest due to hyperemesis gravida (I think that's what it's called). I found out later about her struggle in one of her AWESOME Relief Society lessons right before they scattered us all about. Not only is she gorgeous, a fabulous teacher, and an all around sweetheart, but she's an UBER talented photographer. I was lucky enough to have her give a photography session as a shower gift for The Girl . We did it a few weeks ago and here is a sneak peek of the STUNNING photos she took.
Thanks, Amy. You rock.
What a great shower gift! You are so lucky!
Wow what an endorsement Kyla--you just made me feel like a million bucks! And I'm so glad you're happy with the pictures. I obviously had a great model to work with!
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