photo of me at 29 years old. How sad! Tomorrow is my birthday and and I'm going to be the big 3-0. Sick! I've been dreading this day for the past 6 months. However, it's going to be a fun filled day and so I'm hoping to make it through without any tears:)

Some funny stories from today. First, we went to my friend's house this afternoon to swim. She had heated up the pool and so we decided to give it a try. However, it wasn't quite warm enough for us, but the kids like it. The Boy was really nervous to do anything that wasn't on the baja step. He wanted to just hang out there and was terrified to swim or jump in like he LOVED to do last summer. At one point I was trying to force the issue of him jumping in and he ran away from me screaming, "I'm running away from you! I don't want to swim. I'm going home!" I was laughing hilariously and he didn't appreciate it.
As we were driving home from our swimming playdate The Boy says to me, "Do you want to go to ice creamland?" I thought he was just playing make believe and I said, "Sure!" He said, "What did you say?" I said, "Of course, sure." And he says, "Then, let's go." It was then that I realized he was talking about Yogurtland! Then I had to recant my earlier affirmation and tell him we had to go home so the babies could take naps (and him too!).
Tonight we went back to our friends' house to swim and the water was way warm. The Boy jumped in and swam around, so he gained some of his confidence back. Plus, Will got in with him and I think that helped a lot. After swimming all the boys took a bath. They were so cute!

I also wanted to share these darling photos my sister in law (SIL) took on Wednesday when they came to Music Makers with us. I love my little nephew. He is a total sweetheart!

Remember whwen thirty sounded so old? But look at you! If I knew 30 looked so good, I would never have been afraid of it. Now if only I could look that good at 30. Unless I dye my hair and loose 30 pounds in 30 days, I don't think I will.
Happy birf-day! the boy looks like a missionary in those pics. his hair is all cute.
Did you make the girl's car seat cover? It's fablis. Your children are adorable and I hope I look as good as you when I turn 30...but I'm never turning 30 so I don't need to worry about that :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
happy birthday !!! being 30 isn't that bad.. i think :) chris turned 30 last year.. i can't believe he will be 31 this year.. i still have 2 more year to go before turning 30.. maybe i should have a big birthday party ;) ha.. just kiddin.. so how was your twilight bday party ???
Happy Birthday! Hope it was smashing!!
Well...did you make it?
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