I have been a bow making fool this weekend. On Saturday morning a friend from my old ward followed me to Westminster and I dropped the kids off to Aunt H for a little bit. Then I hopped in her car and we made the pilgrimage to Fabric Barn in Long Beach for some ribbon shopping. I picked up quite a bit for future projects and to sell/share with others that said they didn't want to drive to LB, but wanted ribbon.
Is DST killing you? It's killing me. On Sunday Will wakes me up and asks if I need to shower. I look at the clock and see 6:40 and say, "Yeah, in a little bit." He says, "That clock is wrong. It's 7:40." AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I jump up and start running about because there is no being late for sacrament with my new calling. I was an ornery cuss trying to get us all out the door and the poor Boy got the brunt of it. I will be better prepared next week so there doesn't have to be as much yelling and tears. LOL
Here are som pictures of the bows I've made. Sorry they are blurry. I can't get the flash/focus right and I got tired of trying. Anyone want to buy me a Nikon DSLR for my 30th birthday coming up???? Anyone?? LOL
This is how I found The Girl this morning. She had started being able to wiggle her arms out of her swaddling, so I started using these Sleep Sack Swaddle things my friend had handed down to me. They were perfect and she couldn't get her hands out. However, last night she worked her little arms out. She must have not made much noise doing it, because I didn't hear anything last night.
So hop on over and get yourself entered!
cute bows. i have some ribbon we could share and swap.
Congrats on your new calling!! That will be fun for you!! I enjoyed that calling. And...cute bows!
Serious Man was the one who would always wiggle out of any swaddling we did. He just had to have his hands by his face. Congrats on the new calling.
Congratulations on your new calling!
Your bows are super cute (so is your sleeping baby)!
I love the bows!! Very cute!
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